Saturday, February 28, 2015

Sleuthing animal tracks...

Could a graphic representation of an animal track be defined as an infographic?
Why not? It fits the definition: “a visual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data.” (a good infographic is worth a thousand words)

Stories In the Snow

This recent article I assisted in enhancing is a charming read but the additional graphics give the viewer an incentive to go out in the woods and learn to sleuth on their own. Stories In The Snow >

A Few Available Online Guides

Saturday, February 14, 2015

DIY - Railroad History Research

I have always been fascinated with maps. More recently, I have been avidly researching abandoned railroads and hiking and biking “in the field” to take photos of scenic spots where these railroads once were.
Abandoned Railroads |  Ride Logs

Online Mapping Tools

A few map sites have been extremely useful and interestingly show kind of a semi-hidden eerie reminder of “what once was but now isn’t.” The ITO Historic Railways map displays in amazing detail, railroad lines: abandoned and current as well as those re-purposed as bike trails and repaved as roads.
ITO Historic Railways

Of course, topo maps from the late 1800s and and 1990s are another great source for railroad history. The University of New Hampshire has a great collection that has been extremely useful over time.
UNNH Historic Topo Maps

Ghost Embankments

Finally, panning a detailed topo map and finding “ghost embankments” are (to me) a mesmerizing way to uncover the routes of many railroads - it’s amazing how much you can find. It poignantly reminds you of just how much work was put in, 100s of years ago, to build these lines.
The maps displayed below are enhanced to highlight the “ghost embankments”. Click on any link to go to AcmeMapper to see the topo map. Feel free to pan around to try and follow any RR line - you are bound to discover something interesting!

Pine Plains
Willow Brook
Boston Corners
Google and Bing Aerials

Copake Curve

Sometimes the old abandoned Railroad grade is labeled
 (this map is south of Ghent),-73.61430&z=15&t

Try panning between Philmont and Ghent  - it looks like a scenic stretch!


  • Boston Corners was quite a wild place a long time ago. Originally part of Massachusetts, its isolation from the rest of the State caused it to evolve into a "city of refuge" for criminals and outlaws of all classes.  Read >  | Location 
  • More details on the abandoned railroads in the topo maps above - Rhinecliff Branch - Central New England Railroad 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday, February 2, 2015

Using Tags

This blog has gathered quite a large array of maps and infographics. You could think of it as a huge database of online maps and graphics, all sortable and accessible by topic. That's where the labels (tags) come in handy. Looking for a map on Energy? Simply click on the Energy label and all posts related to Energy will display.

The tag cloud can get a little overwhelming

Below are a few tags (labels) from the tag cloud that may be easier to manage for starters,

Population Movement
Climate, Pollution and Energy

Also remember, at the bottom of each post are labels--that when clicked--will show other related posts on the topic you clicked.