I am currently reading Robert D. Kaplan's book, "The Revenge of Geography". Although obtusely written (this review accurately sums it up!), it is intriguing and a good introduction to the fascinating world of geostrategy. His chapter on Russia is brilliant.
Maps based of the work of early geostrategists Mackinder, Spykman and others visually portray the geopolitical state of the world.
Mackinder's Heartland/Rimland Concept
Mackinder's famous dictum:
- Who controls eastern Europe rules the Heartland;
- Who controls the Heartland rules the World Island; and
- Who rules the World Island rules the World,
Spykman's Rimland is the Zone of Conflict
Spykman differs from Mackinder. Although Mackinder sees Eurasian wars as historically pitting the heartland against the sea powers for control of the rimland, establishing a land power-sea power opposition, Spykman states that the Eurasian struggle was not the sea powers containing the heartland, but the prevention of any power from ruling the rimland. (Wikepedia)
- Who controls the rimland rules Eurasia;
- Who rules Eurasia controls the destinies of the world.
An interesting more current map interpretation:
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